Copyright Policies
The digital collections of the University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press include items held by Special Collections and University Museums. The UD Library, Museums and Press have made these collections available to support research, teaching, and scholarship. These collections reside in UDSpace and/or Artstor, and were digitized by the Library, Museums and Press, and the information below does not apply to items included in databases that the Library subscribes to from external providers. Those subscription-based databases have their own copyright terms.
The copyright status of the items in these collections generally falls under four categories (UD Digital Collections Copyright Polices). Whenever possible, we attempt to identify the copyright status of the item in the descriptive information at either an item or collection level. However, there may be cases where there is no rights information recorded for an item or a collection. In all cases, as the user, you have the final obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when using items found in our digital collections.
Copyright Policies
The digital collections of the University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press include items held by Special Collections and University Museums. The UD Library, Museums and Press have made these collections available to support research, teaching, and scholarship. These collections reside in UDSpace and/or Artstor, and were digitized by the Library, Museums and Press, and the information below does not apply to items included in databases that the Library subscribes to from external providers. Those subscription-based databases have their own copyright terms.
The copyright status of the items in these collections generally falls under four categories (UD Digital Collections Copyright Polices). Whenever possible, we attempt to identify the copyright status of the item in the descriptive information at either an item or collection level. However, there may be cases where there is no rights information recorded for an item or a collection. In all cases, as the user, you have the final obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when using items found in our digital collections.
Propose a Digitization Project
If you would like to propose a digitization project, the UD Library’s Digital Collections Steering Group (DCSG) accepts proposals for faculty, staff, students, or the community to submit for consideration.
For more information about digitization requirements and rationale, visit our Propose a Digitization Project page.
Propose a Digitization Project
If you would like to propose a digitization project, the UD Library’s Digital Collections Steering Group (DCSG) accepts proposals for faculty, staff, students, or the community to submit for consideration.
For more information about digitization requirements and rationale, visit our Propose a Digitization Project page.
Digital Collections Video Tutorial
To gain an understanding of the Digital Collections team, initiatives and platforms offered through the Library, Museums and Press, watch our Digital Collections Video Tutorial.
Digital Collections Video Tutorial
To gain an understanding of the Digital Collections team, initiatives and platforms offered through the Library, Museums and Press, watch our Digital Collections Video Tutorial.